Interpreters in the Courts, or Do you Speak Q’anjob’al?

Immigration Law Resource Month at the Harris County Law Library runs through the end of September. Until then, we will highlight immigration stories, issues, trends, and developments in the law. The lack of qualified interpreters in U.S. Courts is one such topic, which we address briefly in today's post. 

In recent weeks, several news outlets have reported on the growing need for qualified interpreters in U.S. Courts. Throughout the justice system, the shortage of those who are fluent in a second language is a problem of increasing concern. It is also a matter of equal rights, as those with Limited English Proficiency cannot engage with the legal system on an even footing. The consequences can be dire: a simple traffic offense may be misconstrued as a rape charge; an asylum-seeker facing death threats in her native Guatemala may be deported; or the misunderstanding of one’s Miranda rights may lead to self-incrimination and a denial of justice

The United States is one of the largest Spanish-speaking countries in the world, second only to Mexico, so the need for Spanish-language interpreters is especially great. In border states, which are common points of entry for immigrants from Central America, officials have identified another trend -- increasing numbers of immigrants who speak languages indigenous to their countries of origin. In many cases, finding translators for the regional languages of Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador is next to impossible, and justice cannot be served.

In 2014, Immigration and Customs Enforcement published a Language Access Plan, stating its commitment to serve individuals with Limited English Proficiency. Recognizing the need for interpreters who speak indigenous languages is a positive step, but actually locating third-party translators for these languages is a challenge they are still trying to meet. 


Lawyers at the Law Library

Houston Bar Association President Neil Kelly visited the Harris County Law Library and Houston Volunteer Lawyers on September 4. In the photo from left are Parker Lee, HVL volunteer and associate with Andrews Kurth LLP; Stephanie Sommerlatte, HVL Staff Attorney; Patrick Yarborough, HVL volunteer and associate with Andrews Kurth; County Attorney Vince Ryan; Law Library Director Mariann Sears; Neil Kelly; and Alissa Rubin, Executive Director of HVL.

Source: Harris County Law Library, Photographer Joe Strange

The Harris County Law Library is pleased to announce a new program that helps litigants with limited means to speak with an attorney within steps of the courthouses in Harris County, Texas. In collaboration with Houston Volunteer Lawyers, volunteer attorneys and law students are now meeting with self-represented litigants every Wednesday and Friday from 9a.m. to 12p.m. at the Law Library's downtown Houston location. The Law Library provides support services to both the volunteer attorneys and limited-means clients by offering research and technology support, computers where self-represented litigants can access and create documents, and information about navigating the downtown courthouse complex.

Wednesday Clinics

Each Wednesday, faculty and students from Houston College of Law help self-represented litigants determine the legal information and documentation they need to represent themselves in court. The purpose of these clinics is multifaceted. Students gain professional experience and an awareness of the depth of the access to justice problems many individuals face while self-represented litigants receive assistance that makes their legal process more efficient both for them and the courts hearing their cases.

Friday Clinics

On Fridays, associates from Andrews Kurth, LLP staff clinics at the Law Library. Andrews Kurth is a Houston-based firm that is frequently recognized for its commitment to pro bono service and is listed as an Equal Access Firm by Houston Volunteers Lawyers. Additional members of Houston's legal community have pledged to staff Friday clinics at the Law Library to ensure that services remain available for those in need.

A Collaborative Effort

The initial plan to bring volunteer lawyers to the Law Library began as a collaboration between Harris County Attorney Vince Ryan and the Houston Bar Association several years ago. When the Law Library joined the County Attorney's Office in 2011, plans were laid to build out a new space for the Law Library on the first floor of Congress Plaza (1019 Congress Street) complete with offices for volunteer attorneys on the lower level. With all services operational, including those provided by the volunteer attorneys, the Law Library is more useful to the residents of Harris County than ever before and has become a great resource for anyone who must go to court without an attorney.

Immigration Law Resource Month

In conjunction with the upcoming CLE series on Immigration Law and Internment Camps in Texas, which will feature three seminars in the month of October, the Harris County Law Library is highlighting our collection of Immigration Law Resources. Throughout September, print materials on all aspects of immigration law will be on display. Treatises like Kurzban’s Immigration Law Sourcebook (the 15th edition, just published and pictured here, is now on our shelves) and a number of CLE coursebooks from TexasBarCLE will be highlighted. You’ll also find immigration law resources in the Law Library’s digital collection, including official immigration forms through Westlaw and the Georgetown Immigration Law Journal on HeinOnline. Search the Law Library catalog for additional titles or ask the library staff for assistance in finding the resources you need.