70 Years Toward Equality: A Look Back at Brown v. Board of Education

The case summary cards displayed in this post were extracted from an exhibit, held in the Hainsworth Law Library, on the occasion of Brown’s 65th anniversary in 2019, providing library visitors with an opportunity to “visually experience the journey of the precedent in Brown v. Board of Education as it traveled ‘with all deliberate speed’ through federal and Texas jurisprudence, including the 48 years separating the first federal district opinion and the opinion finally declaring Topeka’s schools to be desegregated.”

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Dig It! Trees and the Law

This blog post was originally published on April 24, 2020, and was last updated on April 25, 2024.

Today is Arbor Day, a national event held annually on the last Friday in April, and earlier in the week, on April 22, we celebrated Earth Day. In recognition of these twin occasions, we at the Hainsworth Law Library have compiled a brief list of resources about trees and the law.

Image credit: https://www.loc.gov/resource/cph.3b48810/

Do you specialize in an unusual branch of the law? Or does the law leave you stumped? What exactly is the root of your legal concern? On this Arbor Day, leave it to us at the Hainsworth Law Library to answer your questions with the following resources:

From the Harris County Law Library collection:

Additional tree-related links of interest:

Inspired by MLK: Guaranteed Income Pilot, Uplift Harris

Today we honor the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., minister, activist, and political philosopher, who played a vital role in shaping civil rights reforms of the 1960s. January is also National Poverty Awareness Month, a time to reflect on those less fortunate. Though Dr. King’s life was cut short on April 4, 1968, and the political winds of change shifted course from a focus on poverty to an emphasis on the Vietnam War, the lasting currents of his work still run through the discourse surrounding anti-poverty efforts today. Debates over Universal Basic Income have reemerged — including in Harris County — as have policy discussions surrounding affordable housing and a higher minimum wage. Following the lead of several major cities throughout the nation, Harris County is implementing an innovative pilot program called Uplift to offer guaranteed basic income for nearly 2,000 households in 10 zip codes throughout the region.

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