Latest and Greatest - The Cybersleuth's Guide to the Internet

The Cybersleuth’s Guide to the Internet

Carole A. Levitt & Mark E. Rosch

Internet for Lawyers

KFT 242 .A1 L478 2015

Do you feel you need the investigative skills of Sherlock Holmes to find free legal resources and information on the Web? If so, then The Cybersleuth’s Guide to the Internet by Carole A. Levitt and Mark E. Rosch is just the book for you. From the mechanics of Web searching for “newbies” to sophisticated search techniques for more savvy Web users, this book will help you locate public records, assets, vital records, criminal records, and older versions of Web pages. The authors also explain the importance and ethical concerns of searching social network sites, a practice that is becoming more common, especially in family law matters. Other sites for investigative and legal research include: search engines, court dockets, telephone directories, political campaign contribution sites, and case law databases. For those of you willing (and able) to spend the money, there are some pay investigative research databases the authors discuss and recommend.

Happy sleuthing!