Law Practice Management Blogs

In honor of Law Practice Management Resource Month here at the Harris County Law Library, a bibliography of topical blogs sounded like a good idea. After all, the Wild Wild Web is filled with blogs to help you manage your law practice. Here’s a few of our favs:

From Texas Bar Today’s Texas Law Blogs:

  • Business Solutions for Law Firms: Houstonian Stacey E. Burke brings a local spin to all aspects of marketing and managing a law firm
  • Raising the Bar: Houstonian Debra L. Bruce provides tips on all areas of law practice management
  • Legible: UT legal writing prof Wayne Schiess gives tips to improve practitioners’ legal writing skills

From the ABA Journal’s Blawg 100:

Last, but not least, don’t forget to check back here at Ex Libris Juris for posts about resources about law practice management all month long and download our Law Practice Management Research Guide to quickstart your research at the Harris County Law Library.