Title: LexisNexis | Eliminating Bias in the Legal Profession
Presented By: Jeffrey Peters, Solutions Consultant
Event Type/Location: Virtual (Zoom)
Duration: 60 minutes
Date/Time: Thursday, December 15, 2022, at 1:30 p.m.
Cost: FREE
Earn: Texas - 1.0 hour MCLE & 1.0 hour Ethics
Program Description: The goal of this CLE presentation is to discuss bias and where it comes from; why it is harmful; how to detect it and how to eliminate it from our behavior as legal professionals. Practicing law is a bias landmine. From whether we believe a witness or opposing counsel; to how we counsel those in our organization we readily apply judgments to others—coloring our perceptions and thoughts. There is no cure for bias, but you can be more mindful, conscious and monitor your thoughts better. These are the four main questions we will answer in our discussion today: What is bias? What are unconscious and confirmation biases? What are the effects and costs of bias? And, finally how can we avoid bias through thinking about our thinking and implementing best practices