The Dawning of a New Era: Combining Extractive and Generative AI for New Possibilities
Total CLE Hours: 1.0 hours (0.0 ethics)
Speaker: Jeffrey D. Peters, LexisNexis Solutions Consultant
Harris County Law Library
Total CLE Hours: 1.0 hours (0.0 ethics)
Speaker: Jeffrey D. Peters, LexisNexis Solutions Consultant
Where: Virtual via Zoom
Total CLE Hours: 1.0 (0 Ethics) Accredited by the State Bar of Texas through 3/31/2026.
Speaker: Rod Hall, Associate Law Librarian
Total CLE Hours: 1.0 (0 Ethics) Accredited by the State Bar of Texas through 6/30/2025.
Where: Virtual via GoToWebinar
Total CLE Hours: 1.0 (0 Ethics) Accredited by the State Bar of Texas through 2/28/2025.
Where: Virtual via GoToWebinar
Total CLE Hours: 1.0 (0 Ethics) Accredited by the State Bar of Texas through 12/31/2025.
Speaker: Andre Davison, Library Director, Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library
Speaker: Jeanine Vasquez, Assistant Law Librarian, Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library
Speaker: Lori-Ann Craig, Deputy Director, Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library
Speaker: Andre Davison, Library Director, Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library
Speaker: Rodney Hall, Associate Law Librarian, Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library
Speakers: Rodney Hall, Associate Law Librarian, Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library, and Jeffrey D. Peters, LexisNexis Solutions Consultant
Speaker: Rodney Hall, Associate Law Librarian, Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library
Speaker: Andre Davison, Law Library Director
Where: Virtual via GoToWebinar
Speakers: Andre Davison, Law Library Director
Where: Virtual via GoToWebinar
Speakers: Andre Davison, Law Library Director, & Rod Hall, Associate Law Librarian
Where: Virtual via GoToWebinar
Speakers: Andre Davison, Director of the Robert W. Hainsworth Harris County Law Library
Where: Virtual via GoToWebinar
Speakers: Heather Holmes, Education and Engagement Law Librarian, Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library; Jeffrey D. Peters, LexisNexis Solutions Consultant
Speaker: Andre Davison, Library Director & Jeanine Vasquez, Assistant Law Librarian, Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library
Program Description: The speakers will discuss the importance of using social media for brand awareness. Included will be tips for engaging audiences, expanding reach, and growing one’s presence online using a variety of social media platforms and tools designed for law firms and lawyers. The session will conclude with tips on maintaining a professional and trustworthy image via social media.
Cost: Free
Where: Virtual via GoToWebinar
Total CLE Hours: 1.0 (0 Ethics)
Accredited by the State Bar of Texas
Speaker: Andre Davison, Library Director, Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library
Program Description: This presentation is designed to help you develop essential Internet research skills. Our speaker will provide an overview of freely accessible websites that offer online sources for legal forms and information. Additionally, the course will introduce LAWPods, innovative tools that provide on-demand legal assistance, and explore the role of Generative AI in simplifying legal research. We will also cover resources available for free from the Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library, the Texas Legislative Reference Library, the Texas State Law Library, and various government websites. Join us to enhance your ability to navigate and utilize these valuable legal resources.
Cost: Free
Where: Virtual via GoToWebinar
Total CLE Hours: 1.0 (0 Ethics) Accredited by the State Bar of Texas (accreditation valid through 5/31/2024)
Title: Westlaw Drafting Assistant
Presented By: Dayne Tracy, J.D., Customer Trainer – Government
Event Type/Location: Virtual via Teams
Date/Time: Thursday, May 16, 2024, at 3:00 p.m.
Duration: 60 minutes
Cost: Free
Earn: 1 hour CLE credit in TX, AR, & OK.
Course Description: Draft documents with ease using Drafting Assistant™ on Westlaw Patron Access. Learn to use the many features of this dynamic productivity tool, including the Table of Authorities Builder, WestCheck®, embedded KeyCite® flags and links, and Deal Proof® analyzer.
Presenter will announce four (4) code words, and anyone claiming CLE will need to submit them on the form that will be sent out via email following the session.
Speakers: Rodney Hall, Associate Law Librarian, Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library, and Jeffrey D. Peters, LexisNexis Solutions Consultant
Program Description: An introduction to legal drafting and use of the word processing tools that make this process easier. With this emphasis on making things easier for legal professionals, this discussion will highlight the use of Lexis for Microsoft Office. There will be a discussion and demonstration of the facets of Lexis for Microsoft Office which provide automation shortcuts for tasks such as creation of Table of Contents and Table of Authorities.
Cost: Free
Where: Virtual via GoToWebinar
Total CLE Hours: 1.0 (0 Ethics)
Accredited by the State Bar of Texas (accreditation valid through 3/31/2025
Presented By: Heather Holmes, Education and Outreach Law Librarian, Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library; Andrea Roberts, LexisNexis Digital Library Consultant
Course Description: This session will provide an overview of the legal research tools available through the LexisNexis Digital Library eBook Collection. LexisNexis Digital Library Consultant, Andrea Roberts, will demonstrate techniques for accessing and using materials from the collection, including the Texas Litigation Guide and the Texas Transaction Guide. Hainsworth Law Library staff will highlight techniques for using the new eBook collection in conjunction with other databases to find relevant secondary sources to support your legal work.
Location: Virtual via GoToWebinar
Date/Time: Thursday, April 11, 2024, at 2:30 p.m.
Cost: Free
Earn: Texas – 1 hour of CLE (Please note: This is a repeat of a session held on June 22, 2023, and on August 31, 2023. All are invited to attend, but if you reported CLE credit for either of those sessions, you will not be able to claim credit for attending the course again.)
Presenters: Andre Davison, Library Director, & Heather Holmes, Education and Engagement Law Librarian, Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library
Course Description: This program will demonstrate the value of using automated legal drafting tools, including Westlaw Drafting Assistant and Lexis for Microsoft Office. Learn how Westlaw’s Drafting Assistant will help you more efficiently locate relevant legal authority and check citations for accuracy and proper formatting. Watch as presenters demonstrate how to save time in drafting both transactional and litigation documents using custom features integrated into Microsoft Office, specifically for use with Lexis+.
Credit: 1.00 Hour (0.00 Ethics)
Cost: Free
Location: Online via GoToWebinar
Speakers: Kayla Smith and Jeanine Vasquez, Assistant Law Librarians, Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library
Program Description: Learn essential tips for using PowerPoint effectively in the practice of law. Engage your audience – including clients or the court – by applying best practices for content organization and display. Follow along with a live demonstration to see how this Microsoft 365 application can help you polish your presentations with professionalism and ease.
Cost: Free
Where: Virtual via GoToWebinar
Total CLE Hours: 1.0 (0 Ethics)
Accredited by the State Bar of Texas through February 28, 2025.
Speaker: Rodney Hall, Associate Law Librarian, Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library
Program Description: Speakers will demonstrate legal drafting techniques available in the most widely available word processing software, Microsoft Word. Key topics include formatting, use of styles, headers and footers, page numbering, and e-filing requirements. Legal database research techniques for finding forms from the more frequently used legal databases will also be demonstrated. Primary concentration will be on Westlaw, which is accessible at the law library with limited access also available remotely. A portion of the session is dedicated to the practical application of the skills discussed with a primary focus on basic editing skills.
Cost: Free
Where: Hybrid presentation (in-person and GoToWebinar)
Total CLE Hours: 1.0 (0 Ethics)
Accredited by the State Bar of Texas through January 31, 2025.
Speakers: Andre Davison, Library Director, & Heather Holmes, Education and Engagement Law Librarian, Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library
Program Description: Speakers will present essential features available in Microsoft Teams, the dynamic, web-based communications platform packaged with the Office 365 productivity suite. Attendees will learn how Teams facilitates collaborative decision-making in a connected work environment by allowing users to build channels, share files, schedule meetings, plan projects, present webinars, and organize essential content in an integrated workspace accessible via the cloud.
Cost: Free
Where: Virtual via GoToWebinar
Total CLE Hours: 1.0 (0 Ethics)
Accredited by the State Bar of Texas through 1/31/2025.
Speakers: Andre Davison, Library Director & Elizabeth Rendon, Assistant Law Librarian, Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library
Program Description: In this CLE, speakers will introduce basic techniques in Microsoft Excel for analyzing, collaborating, and organizing information. The class covers the most important features of Microsoft Excel using examples to demonstrate how spreadsheets can be used for everyday tasks, including legal work. Accessibility features and alternatives to Excel will also be discussed. In the hands-on portion, students will have the opportunity to explore professional applications for using Excel by downloading sample files specifically created for this course.
Cost: Free
Where: Hybrid presentation (in-person and remote via GoToWebinar)
Total CLE Hours: 1.0 (0 Ethics)
Accredited by the State Bar of Texas through 12/31/2024.
Speaker: Rodney Hall, Associate Law Librarian, Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library
Program Description: Speaker will introduce the applications that comprise Microsoft Office. This will be followed by a brief overview of the functions of each and a short demonstration to exhibit some fundamentals of each application. This course is being conducted in a hybrid format which will be available in person in the Legal Tech Institute area of the Law Library and online through the GoToWebinar platform.
Cost: Free
Where: Hybrid presentation (in-person and GoToWebinar)
Total CLE Hours: 1.0 (0 Ethics)
Accredited by the State Bar of Texas
Speaker: Heather Holmes, Education & Engagement Law Librarian, Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library
Program Description: Speaker will cover legal technology requirements for practicing Texas attorneys and will also explore in general why and how proficiency in legal tech -- especially for solo or small firm practitioners -- is an essential part of improving one's practice. The presentation will focus on the changing nature of legal practice due to advances in technology and the wide variety of practice management solutions that exist to help automate routine tasks and streamline overall workflow. Cautionary tales about the pitfalls of misusing technology will round out the session.
Cost: Free
Where: This course will be offered both in person at the Law Library and online via GoToWebinar. When registering, there is no need to specify your attendance choice. The link below allows registration for both in person and virtual attendance.
Total CLE Hours: 1.0 (0 Ethics)
Accredited by the State Bar of Texas (accreditation valid through 7/31/2024)
Please Note: This course was originally offered on August 10, 2023. The State Bar of Texas CLE course number will be the same for this repeat presentation and can be submitted only once for credit.
Speaker: Elizabeth Rendon, Assistant Law Librarian, Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library
Program Description: This presentation is open to self-represented litigants and is designed for those wanting to develop basic Internet research skills. Speaker will provide an overview of freely available websites for accessing online sources of forms and legal information. The course will explore resources available for free from the Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library, the Texas Legislative Reference Library, the Texas State law Library, and various government websites.
This CLE course was previously offered June 29th and August 24th.
Cost: Free
Where: Virtual via GoToWebinar
Total CLE Hours: 1.0 (0 Ethics)
Accredited by the State Bar of Texas (accreditation valid through 5/31/2024)
Speaker: Rodney Hall, Associate Law Librarian, Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library
Program Description: The speaker will cover aspects of drafting and editing documents in Microsoft Word to meet the basic needs of attorneys. More complex items such as creating a Table of Contents, a Table of Authorities, and hyperlinks are included. As well as, formatting the document for successful e-filing. Several minutes at the end of the class will be devoted to practical application of the skills covered. This presentation is being offered in a hybrid format (attendance is available both in-person and virtual). However, the most benefit will be received by in-person attendance. Please use the registration link below whether attending in-person or virtually.
Cost: Free
Where: Hybrid presentation (in-person and GoToWebinar)
Total CLE Hours: 1.0 (0 Ethics)
Accredited by the State Bar of Texas (accreditation valid through 4/30/2024)
Speaker: Heather Holmes, Education & Engagement Law Librarian, Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library
Program Description: Presenter will identify legal research hacks using Boolean logic tools. Learning objectives include improved search outcomes in popular legal research databases, increased efficiency in locating the best results for specific research needs, and better proficiency in building structured search queries with terms, connectors, and operators.
Cost: Free
Where: Virtual via GoToWebinar
Total CLE Hours: 1.0 (0 Ethics)
Accredited by the State Bar of Texas (accreditation valid through 9/30/2024)