NCSC Tiny Chats: Practical Advice for Ensuring A2J During COVID-19

The National Center for State Courts just launched a new series of videos called Tiny Chats, distilled conversations on access to justice topics. These short recordings present information for those working in courts or legal aid organizations or in any other capacity that involves serving people who need accurate, reliable, and up-to-date information about court proceedings during the pandemic. The videos are 10-15 minutes in length, perfect to stream while “walking the dog or taking a break between conference calls.” Tiny Chats are “more digestible than a long webinar and a little bit lighter in tone while staying grounded in practical advice.”

The first presentation is an introduction to what future Tiny Chats will cover and why. NCSC recognizes that the digital divide is real, and that many people during this uncertain time are experiencing financial distress. Given these considerations, they acknowledge that access to justice for these vulnerable populations is even more critical. Providing access to good information is a must. NCSC is tracking what various jurisdictions are doing to spread clear, consistent, timely, and accessible information while courts are not in operation. The information they gather is being used to advise different jurisdictions about the best ways to convey how they are responding to and accommodating the needs of people with legal matters before the courts.  

While the first video introduces the series, the second video presents best practices for clearly communicating messages from the courts. The presenters, Danielle Hirsch and Zach Zarnow, recommend the following·        

  • Ensure that messages are clear and simple, that terms, such as “essential court services,” are well-defined, and that the mechanisms of hearing a case are well-explained.

  • Be consistent in conveying the same message across all platforms, including websites and social media, and do so in a timely manner. Keeping information current instills public confidence in the courts and gives people what they need to know at the point of need.

  • Provide high-quality FAQs and an effective mechanism for gathering feedback, and make sure that information is accessible to those with limited English proficiency or the need for ADA accommodations.

To sign up to be notified of future Tiny Chats, register here:

To see all Tiny Chats in one place visit:

Upcoming topics for future Tiny Chats will include Remote Hearings & Services, Clear Communication, ODR 101, Stakeholder Engagement, ODR Vendor Selection, and more.

In addition to the Tiny Chats, NCSC also offers free 30 minute brainstorming and problem solving sessions (The Doctor Is In) allowing those who work in courts to consult about issues related to a Tiny Chat topic. 

To schedule a Doctor Is In session: