The Texas Advocacy Project estimates that 74% of all Texans will experience intimate partner violence or know someone who has. This blog post lists several local and national resources for people experiencing domestic or family violence.
Read moreFind Community Education Resources with Lone Star Legal Aid
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay
Lone Star Legal Aid (LSLA), a nonprofit law firm that advocates on behalf of low-income and underserved populations here in the Greater Houston area, has recently added a library of videos to its website to educate the community about some common civil legal issues. The videos were prepared by LSLA staffers and provide tips and answers to frequently asked questions encountered by the organization in its interactions with its client community. With the world still in the grips of the current health crisis, many videos are COVID-related and provide tips in such areas as consumer law, employment law, family law (available in Spanish, too), the pandemic’s impact on veterans and other public benefits, safety planning, economic stimulus and tax information, and SNAP benefits. To assist veterans with questions that may be specific to their situation, the Military & Veterans Unit (MVU) of LSLA has created videos to answer questions relating to VA service-connected disability claims, preventing identity theft, solutions for identity theft, and military discharge upgrades. The MVU has also produced videos that provide all Texans, regardless of military status, with helpful information about the divorce process in Texas as well as expunctions and nondisclosures.
In addition to these community education resources, LSLA assists with a wide array of legal matters, including:
postconviction reentry issues;
fraud or deceptive trade practice, unlawful repossessions, and bankruptcy;
work place safety issues and employment discrimination;
divorce and child custody;
Medicaid and Medicare and county indigent health care;
evictions and foreclosures; and
delinquency and neglect issues.
In addition to the services listed above, LSLA has other programs and initiatives that are of help to the community. LSLA’s Crime Victim Unit provides assistance to individuals who have been victims of human trafficking, domestic violence, and elder abuse. The goal of its Equitable Development Initiative is to promote revitalization in low-income neighborhoods through community advocacy, environmental justice, and fair housing. LSLA also has a Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic that represents individuals involved in disputes with the IRS. You can find a list of all of LSLA’s services here.
COVID-19 Update
The Harris County Law Library would like to keep our followers up-to-date with changes that some of our community resource partners have made to their services in light of COVID-19 and to provide our readers with some new developments.
Houston Volunteer Lawyers (HVL)
The staff at HVL are currently working remotely to continue to provide services to the public. Although they are no longer accepting in-person visitors, their commitment to the public continues with virtual pro se assistance and clinics. Please see HVL’s website for more information regarding these programs.
Harris County District Clerk
Effective March 18, 2020, the Harris County District Clerk’s Office suspended in-person services. Most services can be accessed directly through the office’s website, including sending payments, accessing and purchasing records, and more. The public is still able to call and email the office as well. Note that pro se litigants will be able to use the 24-hour filing drop box at the top of the stairs at 201 Caroline to the left of the building or mail in their filings. Please see the Harris County District Clerk’s website for the latest COVID-19 updates and court information.
TexasLawHelp, one of our primary go-to sites for legal information and forms, has created a webpage to provide the public with links to news and information about the coronavirus (COVID-19). There, users will find:
links to major agencies and websites with the latest health information;
city and county-specific resources;
information about court closures, postponements, and updated procedures due to COVID-19;
information about legal rights;
information regarding free school meals during COVID-19 closure;
resources for uninsured Texans needing help with COVID-19 testing or treatment; and,
information about the coronavirus and child visitation.
State Bar of Texas
The State Bar of Texas has posted its response to the coronavirus pandemic. Its website has some useful information and links regarding court closures. It also has the latest guidance on court procedure, including any emergency orders issued by the Texas Supreme Court and Court of Criminal Appeals, including the March 17 order that clarified possession schedules in Suits Affecting the Parent-Child Relationship. There is also a link to the website of the Office of Court Administration for updated guidance on court procedures. For attorneys, there are links to free lawyer resources and webinars, and for the public, there are links to free legal resources.
Harris County Attorney
Did you know that the Harris County Attorney has the authority to file civil lawsuits to stop price gouging? County residents who feel that they have been charged an exorbitant price for necessities, such as food, fuel, or medicine, and who have been unable to resolve the issue with the provider of those goods and services can contact the office of the Harris County Attorney for assistance at
Ready Harris
Ready Harris, a website designed to help the community stay informed and be prepared should a disaster or emergency strike, provides information on how to prepare for a disaster, provides access to real-time alerts, and connects users with tools to aid in planning, recovering, and staying safe. Aside from providing the latest information about coronavirus and any requirements, the website includes a list of Harris County services, facilities,and meetings that are closed or have restricted access.
Recursos en Español (Spanish Language Resources)
The Law Library is pleased to announce a new collection — Recursos en Español. This collection of booklets, pamphlets, and brochures brings together information from our community partners about services that are available to Spanish speakers in Harris County. The materials, which are published in Spanish, are collected in one location near the Copy Center, and are free to all! Pamphlets covering family law matters, such as custody, parenting, adoption and mediation, as well as a selection of pamphlets from the State Bar of Texas on choosing a lawyer, writing a will, and much more are available. Additionally, information is provided by Texas Young Lawyers Association, the Office of Domestic Relations, the Federal Trade Commission, the Texas Attorney General, AVDA (Aid to Victims of Domestic Violence), and other legal aid organizations. provides bilingual forms for divorce and annulment. Finally, a publication from the Law Library titled Manual para Litigantes Pro Se connects Spanish-speaking patrons with even more local community services. Spanish language translation services are available from 8am-5pm, Monday through Friday. Library staff can answer reference questions in Spanish and help patrons find the information and resources they need.
La Biblioteca Jurídica se complace en anunciar una nueva colección: Recursos en español. Esta colección de folletos reúne información de nuestros socios comunitarios sobre los servicios que están disponibles para los hispanohablantes en el Condado de Harris. Los materiales que se publican en español se pueden conseguir cerca del Centro de Copias, ¡y son gratuitos para todos! Encontrará folletos que cubren asuntos de derecho de familia, como custodia, la crianza, la adopción, y mediación. Así también, hay una selección de folletos de la Barra Estatal de Texas sobre como seleccionar un abogado, como hacer un testamento, y muchos más. Asimismo, encontrará información provista por la Asociación de Abogado Jóvenes de Texas, la Oficina de Relaciones Domesticas, la Comisión Federal de Comercio, el Fiscal General de Texas, AVDA (Ayuda a víctimas de violencia domestica) y otras organizaciones de asistencia legal. ofrece formularios bilingües de divorcio y anulación. Por último, una publicación de la Biblioteca Jurídica titulada Manual para Litigantes Pro Se enumera las organizaciones que provee servicios comunitarios locales a los hispanohablantes. Servicios de traducción en español están disponibles de lunes a viernes de 8am a 5pm. El personal de la biblioteca puede responder a preguntas de referencia en español y ayudar a usuarios a encontrar la información y los recursos que necesitan.