Black’s Law Dictionary defines motion as “a written or oral application requesting a court to make a specified ruling or order.” The reference desk of the Hainsworth Law Library receives a multitude of daily requests for motions. Sometimes, we get requests that will stump even the most experienced librarian. Examples of such requests have been:
Motion to file a motion,
Motion for a hearing to hear all filed motions, and
Motion to determine child custody.
Pro se litigants are usually referred to TexasLawHelp, where they will find fill-in-the-blank forms for a variety of civil and family topics. There are situations in which locating a template for a requested motion may be difficult to pinpoint. Forms not found on TexasLawHelp may be found in one of the many practice guides available at the library. These guides provide a template of suggested language to include in your own motion. View a list of our most popular resources below.
O'Connor's Texas Family Law Forms
O'Connor's Texas Family Law Forms includes motions, pleadings, discovery, and other documents for use in family law cases.
Available in print when visiting the library in-person
Available through Westlaw when using a library computer
O'Connor's Texas Civil Forms
O'Connor's Texas Civil Forms includes motions, pleadings, post-trial, and other documents for use in a Texas civil case.
Available in print when visiting the library in-person
Available through Westlaw when using a library computer
Texas Litigation Guide
Texas Litigation Guide is a step-by-step guide that provides litigation forms—like letters, justice of the peace forms, motions, and appellate forms—to help you in drafting your forms.
Available in print when visiting the library in-person
Available through Lexis Advance when visiting the library in-person
Available from home through LexisNexis Digital Library
Other Options for Motions
If you still can’t find the motion you are looking for, it’s possible you will have to completely create the language for it yourself. In this situation, the following resource may be of help.
Form 1B:1. Motion—General Format found in O'Connor's Texas Civil Forms
Blank Motion and Order from the Dell DeHay Law Library of Tarrant County