Civ Pro: Get Ready for a Court Hearing

Now that you know the procedure for setting a hearing for your court case as a self-represented litigant, it’s time to prepare yourself for appearing in court. This post in the Civ Pro blog series will suggest resources to help self-represented litigants prepare for a hearing for a civil case.

When is the hearing?

Review this previous Civ Pro post for how to learn when a hearing is or how to schedule a hearing. According to “The law says you must get at least 45 days’ notice of a final hearing, at least 10 days’ notice of an enforcement hearing, and at least three days’ notice of most other hearings.”

Where is the hearing?

Read the Notice of Hearing for information on where and when your court hearing will take place. You may also search for your case record online to see any upcoming hearing dates.

Many courts are reopening to the public and limited virtual hearings held over Zoom. The Notice of Hearing should specify whether hearing will be held in-person or virtually.

What do I need to bring?

It is a good idea to bring copies of the case documents you have either filed or received so far. In general, you should bring your completed order or decree that you would like the judge to sign. Contact the court coordinator to see if there is further documentation you should bring to the hearing.

What can I expect at the hearing?

A good way to learn about what to expect in court is to watch a hearing before going to court yourself. Many civil proceedings are open to the public, and many courts now livestream daily hearings to their websites. To find your court’s website, look at your case documents to find the court’s number.

Harris County District Court websites are listed on this online directory. Click on the court number to view the court’s website and any links to view livestreams of the court’s proceedings.

How else can I prepare for a court hearing?

Review the Pro Se Litigant Handbook for tips for appearing in court and representing yourself. The Texas Rules of Civil Procedure and Texas Rules of Evidence outline rules that all litigants must follow when bringing a civil case to court in Texas.

The Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library offers access to several remote legal databases with secondary sources and other research materials that may help self-represented litigants prepare for court.