Texas is still seeing moderate weather so far this winter; however, 2021’s Winter Storm Uri illustrated the need for emergency and extreme weather preparedness in the event of power outages, lack of running water, and other weather-related dangers.
Here are some ways you can prepare yourself and your home for extreme weather and other emergencies:
Pack a disaster supply kit. Here is a sample disaster supply checklist from Texas Ready.
Keep the gas tank of your car filled.
Keep your phone charged, pack extra chargers, and purchase a rechargeable battery pack.
Make a family communication plan.
Refill prescriptions and other important medications.
Don’t forget about packing emergency food, water, and medication for pets.
Stock your pantry with shelf-stable food items and water that don’t require cooking or refrigeration.
Learn the signs of hypothermia and frostbite and basic treatments.
Keep an emergency kit in your car in case you become stranded.
In the event of a winter storm:
Find shelter; stay inside and as warm as possible.
Avoid driving and stay off the roads.
Wear several warm yet loose layers of clothing.
Stay hydrated.
Avoid overexertion, such as walking in or shoveling snow.
Be aware of potential carbon monoxide poisoning from using cars, gas ovens, or other gas-burning equipment to heat indoor spaces.
You can find further resources and information on how to prepare for unexpected winter weather at the following links:
14 Ways to Prepare for the Next Winter Freeze – Texas Monthly
Emergency Preparedness Resource Guide from the Texas State Law Library
Check out these past Ex Libris Juris posts for recovery resources and further information on 2021’s Winter Storm Uri: