From the time that Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson announced the availability of vaccines to prevent severe cases of COVID-19 in late 2020, vaccination has been a hot-button issue. From vaccine passports and vaccine mandates to boosters and side effects, the topic of vaccination has dominated news and social media outlets. The most recent thrust came last week from the United States Supreme Court’s decision in National Federation of Independent Business, et al. v. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, et al., which blocked a mandate that would have required employers of more than 100 employees “to develop, implement, and enforce a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy,” with some exceptions.
To present current and relevant information on this timely topic, HeinOnline has recently introduced a new subcollection to its COVID-19: Pandemics Past and Present database: Vaccination. The new subcollection consists of more than 250 titles addressing the history of inoculations for various diseases, from anthrax and smallpox to measles and polio. Other subjects include Military Health and Wellness Issues, Vaccine Injury, Veterans’ Issues, and Weaponry, Technology, and Equipment. Like the other subcollections in this database, you will find committee prints, committee hearings, GAO reports, CRS reports, and legislative histories. You can read about Operation Warp Speed, Project Bioshield, childhood vaccines, immunization programs, and, of course, COVID-19.
For more information about this and other HeinOnline databases, please see our previous blog posts:
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