Latest & Greatest – Legal Malpractice Insurance in One Hour for Lawyers

By JoAnn L. Hathaway

Published by American Bar Association. Law Practice Division.

KF 313 .H38 2017

Part of the popular In One Hour series published by the American Bar Association, Legal Malpractice Insurance in One Hour for Lawyers is a handy reference guide that sorts through the confusion surrounding lawyers professional liability (LPL) insurance. Author JoAnn Hathaway provides the information lawyers need to select the best LPL coverage for their practice. With this book, lawyers will learn about the costs involved in acquiring the insurance, the relevance of responses on the LPL insurance application, and the how-tos of choosing the right carrier. The author walks her readers through a “typical” LPL insurance policy and explains key provisions and endorsements. She also sheds some light on coverage limits and the practice of claims-made coverage. And what happens if you change firms or form a new one? Hathaway has some answers for you on that issue as well.

Before you purchase LPL insurance for your practice, have a look at Legal Malpractice Insurance in One Hour for Lawyers. One hour now can save you from lots of headaches later.