Latest & Greatest – Municipal Law Deskbook

Edited by William J. Scheiderich

Published by American Bar Association (2015)

KF 5305 .S34 2015

For the lawyer who practices before or for local governments comes Municipal Law Deskbook, a comprehensive guide for analyzing and handling the issues that most frequently arise in municipal law cases. Written by lawyers with decades-worth of experience in municipal law matters, Municipal Law Deskbook offers clear explanations of the applicability of the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments to public sector employees, the liability of public employees for wrongful acts, and the regulation of free speech in the public workplace. In addition, the authors provide an overview of regulatory taking and inverse condemnation, open meetings/open records laws, and the power of a municipality to raise taxes, generate revenue, and borrow money. Municipal Law Deskbook is a great resource for anyone wanting to know more about constitutional and employment law-related issues in a public context.