Legal Writing Resource Month: Bryan Garner on Words

April is Legal Writing Resource Month at the Harris County Law Library. Selected titles to help you improve your writing are currently on display. Included are a number of books by author, Bryan A. Garner, editor in chief of Black’s Law Dictionary and a highly-regarded expert on effective legal writing. In addition to his many print publications, Garner is very active online. He maintains a lively Twitter feed,  a popular Facebook page, and a regular blog on the LawProse website. He will even send you a Usage Tip of the Day if you email him at

Another popular source for Garner’s writing is his monthly column in the ABA Journal, Bryan Garner on Words. Each month, Garner shares his thoughts on language, style, organization, and legal discourse. He typically offers  suggestions for improved writing proficiency, focusing at various times on the importance of good headings, well-organized tables of contents, and a dedication to clarity in writing. On occasion, he will share a historical vignette, offer his personal musings on a particular subject,  or wax philosophic about legalese and golf, none of which should be missed!

Whether you are writing a research memo, a legal brief, or an opinion letter, there is much to be learned from Bryan A. Garner. The Harris County Law Library highly recommends his work and will be happy to help you locate additional writing sources to improve your legal writing skills.