Latest & Greatest – Texas Bar College Annual Summer School Course

Summer School. Those two words can conjure up feelings of dread in almost all school-age children (and a few parents as well). The last thing we wanted to suffer through as kids was more school, especially during the summer when the rest of the entire world, it seemed, was on vacation and having fun. As adults, our perspectives change, and we realize (maybe) that summer school might not be so bad. Case in point: each summer Texas Bar College, in collaboration with the State Bar of Texas, offers its Texas Bar College Annual Summer School CLE course. It’s an opportunity for lawyers to not only get those CLE credits that they might desperately need as their birthday month approaches but also an opportunity to be exposed to varied and timely legal topics. Unlike the more focused Advanced Family Law or Advanced Real Estate Law courses, the Texas Bar College CLEs cover the latest developments in such areas as criminal law, immigration law, business law, and employment law, and emerging issues in technology, like social media and electronic discovery, all in one two- or three-day seminar. The articles can be of great value to general and/or solo practitioners or anyone who is seeking to broaden their legal knowledge.

If you were unable to attend any of these useful courses and want to see what topics were presented, come to the Harris County Law Library. The library acquires the coursebooks from these as well as many other State Bar CLE classes and maintains them as part of its CLE collection, providing you with access to all that the State Bar of Texas offers. Check out the library’s online catalog to see what coursebooks are available.

For those of you who are interested, the next Texas Bar College Summer School is scheduled for July 13-15, 2017. See the website from Texas Bar College for more information.