Latest & Greatest - The Copyright Handbook

Be honest. How many of you have considered, or at least thought about, writing the next great American novel, or perhaps documenting your life and experiences in a memoir? If so, it has probably crossed your mind that you need some way to protect your creative effort from unwanted copying. This is the point where the law of copyright steps in and where confusion surfaces. Attorney Stephen Fishman, a recognized expert in the field of copyright, has created The Copyright Handbook: What Every Writer Needs to Know to help would-be writers navigate this somewhat puzzling area of the law.

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Harriet Tubman Day 2022

Harriet Tubman Day is observed annually on March 10, the anniversary of the freedom fighter’s death. Born enslaved, Harriet Tubman liberated herself and became a free woman who then devoted her life to helping others achieve the same freedom by guiding those escaping slavery through the Underground Railroad, a secret network of safe houses along the journey north to freedom. Tubman is famous around the world for her heroism, bravery, and commitment to the fight for abolition and racial justice.

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