Legal Visionary Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray and the Fight Against "Jane Crow"

Civil rights and women’s rights activist, lawyer, scholar, poet, and Episcopal priest Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray was the first to use the term “Jane Crow” to describe the racism and misogyny African-American women faced in the post-Reconstruction era leading up to the civil rights movement. Their* work and activism helped shape legal ideas and arguments for gender and racial equality in the decades leading up to the civil rights movement.

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Don't Be Caught Offside - Know the (NFL) Rules

The most reviled squad on a professional football field is not necessarily the opposing team but rather the group of officials that make up the officiating crew. The referees don’t make up the rules; they merely enforce them. However, tell that to any New Orleans Saints fan upset about the pass interference non-call during the NFC Championship game against the Los Angeles Rams in 2019 or to a Buffalo Bills fan incensed about the current overtime rules for playoff games where a flip of the coin ultimately determines who wins and who goes home. In many cases, such controversial rules will be reviewed by the National Football League’s Competition Committee and perhaps amended to better reflect fairness and prevent outcomes such as those mentioned above. Love them or hate them, the rules are there for a reason. In the case of the NFL, the rules are designed to promote player safety and encourage fairness of play while still encouraging competition and consistency. With the big game* scheduled for this Sunday in Los Angeles, we thought it would be fun to look at the official 2021 NFL Rulebook and the process behind the creation and amendment of these rules.

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