Ex Libris Juris Recognized by Texas Bar Top 10

We are thrilled to announce that a recent Ex Libris Juris blog post, Learning Tech -- Deliberate Practice and Benefits of Proficiency, was recognized in last week's Top 10 Blog Posts on Texas Bar Today, a publication of the State Bar of Texas. We're grateful for the recognition and very proud to be in the company of so many excellent Texas law blogs.

For more legal tech news, keep following our posts on Ex Libris Juris. Our Tech Tuesday feature brings you a new tech-related post each week, and our Latest and Greatest feature presents recent additions to the the library's collection. Other topics of interest to the Harris County Law Library community are presented throughout the month, including topical information related to our monthly theme -- October is Immigration Law Resource Month -- and news of upcoming library events, one of which, Social Media for Lawyers, is soon approaching. Don't miss it! 



Celebrate Plain Language Day 2016

Since the passage of the Federal Plain Writing Act on October 13, 2010, those who favor and promote the use of clear language have celebrated International Plain Language Day. The Act (Pub. L. 111-274) defines plain language as "writing that is clear, concise, well-organized, and follows other best practices appropriate to the subject or field and intended audience." The purpose of the Act is to "improve the effectiveness and accountability of Federal agencies to the public by promoting clear Government communication that the public can understand and use." Although the intention of the law is to increase the clarity of our nation's official documents, communicating in simple language is a worthy goal in all areas, including law. 

At the Harris County Law Library, we have several titles in our collection that will help you simplify and organize your writing. Thinking Like a Writer: A Lawyer's Guide to Effective Writing and Editing is one such title, and several CLE publications address the topic as well, including Exceptional Legal Writing and Legal Writing to Win. Bryan Garner, the undisputed dean of legal writing, is a strong proponent of plain language. His column, On Words, which is published monthly in the ABA Journal, is an exceptional resource for learning about the effective use of language in legal documents. An organization called Clarity, the international association for promoting plain legal language, is another useful source, as is their biannual journal, The Clarity Journal, which is distributed free to Clarity members. Past issues are available through the journal's online archive

Reducing the complexity of legal writing is a worthwhile objective, and taking a day to recognize this effort is part of that goal. Join is in observing International Plain Language Day and the commitment to using effective communication in government and law. 



Latest & Greatest – Encryption Made Simple for Lawyers

By David G. Ries, Sharon D. Nelson, and John W. Simek

Published by ABA Law Practice Division

QA 76.9 .A25 N455 2015

Seeking to take the fear out of encryption and what it entails, the authors of Encryption Made Simple for Lawyers set upon the task of proving that encrypting information is not as complicated and difficult as it may seem to those not fully versed in the language of “techspeak”. From its earliest forms, e.g. ciphers and secret decoder rings, encryption has been used to make communications secret and secure, and in this age of cyberterrorism and data breaches, understanding how to encrypt confidential information has taken on even greater importance. The authors begin by explaining, in simple terms, the basics of encryption technology, such as the Data Encryption Standard algorithm, digital certificates, and symmetric and asymmetric encryption before discussing the nuances of encrypting laptops and desktops, smartphones, and portable drives. The authors also stress the need to protect data as it travels through various networks or into the cloud as well as the practicality of securing individual documents.

If you don’t think that you need to encrypt or further secure your documents, you may be mistaken. As the authors readily point out: lawyers have an ethical obligation to keep communications confidential. Encryption Made Simple for Lawyers can help you perform that duty or, at a minimum, convince you that you need to obtain the services of a qualified professional. Don’t wait until a data breach to take action.

Immigration Law Resource Month

In October, we at the Harris County Law Library are continuing to highlight our collection of immigration law resources. Throughout the month, we will feature materials, in the library an online, to assist you in conducting research and learning about immigration law in the United States.

Several new immigration law resources are now on our shelves, including the 15th edition of Kurzban's Immigration Law Sourcebook, and the 17th edition of U.S. Immigration Made Easy, published by Nolo Press. On Westlaw, you can access the latest immigration news and analysis, as well as immigration law treatises, and official immigration forms. Lexis provides additional access to popular immigration titles, including Benders Immigration Law Bulletin and Benders Immigration Case Reporter. Both Westlaw and Lexis can be accessed on our computers in the Law Library.

These titles are just a few of the immigration law items in our collection. Additional resources will be featured throughout the month in the Law Library and on our blog.