President Obama Signs the FOIA Improvement Act of 2016

In July of 1966, the Freedom of Information Act was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson. This landmark bill expanded access to public records and paved the way for greater accountability in government activities. FOIA has seen many changes in the last 50 years, especially in the wake of the Watergate scandal and the 9/11 attacks. The digital age introduced additional considerations and changed the law substantially, and on June 30, 2016, the law was revised yet again when President Obama signed the FOIA Improvement Act of 2016. In addition to open records reform, the Obama administration announced several other initiatives including the creation of a consolidated request portal for all FOIA requests, and the development of a Chief FOIA Officers Council to chart a course for FOIA’s future. Please visit the Law Library Events page for more information and links to additional resources about this historic legislation. 

Latest & Greatest – Federal Information Disclosure

By James T. O’Reilly

Published by Thomson Reuters (2016)

KF 5753 .O74 2012

In conjunction with the Law Library’s celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the enactment of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), we are highlighting some resources that will enhance your understanding of the scope and limitations of FOIA. Sometimes referred to as the “Bible of FOIA,” Federal Information Disclosure answers many questions surrounding the public’s “right to know” and the issue of governmental transparency. From the origins of the Freedom of Information Act with its adoption in 1966 to its inevitable expansion with the Privacy Act (1974), the Federal Advisory Committee Act (1972), and the Government in the Sunshine Act (1976), the author examines all aspects of FOIA as well as court decisions interpreting its provisions. The author explains the procedural aspects of FOIA, including the content of a request, the processing of the request, and the search limitations involved with the requests and addresses FOIA litigation and aspects of judicial review, such as de novo review, summary judgment, and the myriad issues that may arise during this review process. He also discusses the nine statutory exemptions to FOIA and how the courts have routinely interpreted those exemptions.

The author wisely avoids the political facets of FOIA and its progeny by simply explaining the process behind the disclosure of government information and how the United States courts have interpreted the statute and have balanced the public’s “right to know” with the government’s desire from some level of secrecy. His book is meant to be “an essential tool” for the seeker of federal information.

National Ice Cream Month

The Harris County Law Library is celebrating National Ice Cream Month. Visit the library to view our exhibit, currently on display through the end of July, and check our blog throughout the month for more content and resources on ice cream and the law. View our Events page for more details about this exhibit.

Happy National Ice Cream Month!