Latest & Greatest – Supreme Quotes: Surprising Quotations in Supreme Court Opinions

Thanks to Benjamin Franklin, we all know that only two things are certain in life: death and taxes. Now, we can also say with some degree of certainty that Benjamin Franklin is top notch as far as “quotable quotes” go. So, too are people like Humphrey Bogart, the Dalai Lama, and Mark Twain. Apparently, the United States Supreme Court has agreed in this regard and had seen fit to pepper some of its opinions with quotations from these well-known individuals and several others, too. Evan J. Roth, a federal Administrative Judge in the Denver Office of the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board and self-proclaimed quotation lover, has gathered some of these quotes in a new book, Supreme Quotes: Surprising Quotations in Supreme Court Opinions.

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Latest & Greatest - Mental Health Law for Prosecutors

Defendants with an intellectual disability or mental illness present unique challenges for those involved in law enforcement, such as peace officers and prosecutors. As the number of defendants increases, the need for law enforcement to be educated and trained to manage those individuals becomes much more evident. Recognizing this need, the Texas District & County Attorneys Association has published Mental Health Law for Prosecutors, a manual addressing not only the laws regarding insanity and incompetency but also the availability of mental health resources.

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Latest & Greatest - The Copyright Handbook

Be honest. How many of you have considered, or at least thought about, writing the next great American novel, or perhaps documenting your life and experiences in a memoir? If so, it has probably crossed your mind that you need some way to protect your creative effort from unwanted copying. This is the point where the law of copyright steps in and where confusion surfaces. Attorney Stephen Fishman, a recognized expert in the field of copyright, has created The Copyright Handbook: What Every Writer Needs to Know to help would-be writers navigate this somewhat puzzling area of the law.

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